




技术教育,职业和企业家精神培训局(TEVETA)的总干事戴维·查孔塔(David Chakonta) - Zambia的家长机构说,论坛的亮点是“它将倡导卓越技能的本地和国际利益相关者汇集在一起​​。透明

他补充说:“比赛进展顺利,令人难忘的亮点是,在技能上出色的学生能够亲自与世界大教堂总裁西蒙·巴特利(Simon Bartley)和高等教育部长Nkandu Luo握手。”


世界大教Zambia, which was established in 2014, hosted the event under the theme ‘Partnerships for Industrialization, Job Creation, and Sustainable Skills Development’ and as part of the Skills Development in Africa project, which connects WorldSkills Members, Global Partners, international organizations, NGOs, and others to create and facilitate new opportunities for young people in Africa to develop new skills.

As the Vice President for Special Affairs who has the lead on the development in Africa from WorldSkills Board, San-Quei Lin, explained, WorldSkills Zambia is one of six WorldSkills Members in Africa, and prides itself on being “very proactive in improving the country’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training system and raising skills standards”.



Challenges that are being encountered along the road to strengthening Africa’s skills base – as well as potential paths to addressing them – were discussed at the WorldSkills General Assembly 2016. Mr Lin believes that Zambia’s staging of the conference, skills competition, and WorldSkills Board of Directors meeting has built on the vocational skills progress that has already been made in Africa since the General Assembly.

他说:“ 2016年12月,Worldskills全球合作伙伴Festo和坦桑尼亚政府在Dar Es Salaam举行了第一次东非地区技能竞赛,并获得了Worldsskills的支持。”“我们认为,尽管这在非洲的区域技能竞赛方面可能是一小部分,但这将代表非洲大陆技能发展的重要一步。”

世界大教徒的技术代表弗朗西斯·麦克沃普(Francis Mwape)补充说:“赞比亚是世界大教堂的年轻成员,这是世界大教徒董事会的这一宏伟的历史机会。在非洲大陆举行首次董事会会议是一项巨大的荣誉。”


"The event has increased believability in our partners and we are very thankful to the Board and management of WorldSkills for the support they provided to engage the Zambian community at the inaugural International Skills Excellence Forum, which is now a ‘brand’ and shall be held every year under the WorldSkills framework."
