
WorldSkills improves economic growth and human development

Worldskills UK的故事

“We believe the real value of our work should be proven in the ways we elevate skills excellence for all young people.”
- Neil Bentley-Gockmann OBE,Worldsskills UK首席执行官


这些是乔恩·克莱夫(Jon Cleave)的话,十年前,他通过英国WorldSkills英国提供的基于比赛的培训来加速他的图形设计生涯。从那以后,他在广告代理商中的职业生涯令人印象深刻,并创立了一家使用创意讲故事来保护我们自然世界的代理商。“我从我的Worldsskills UK经验中学到了我的所有知识,以发展我的职业和新业务。”

UK Worldsskillshas long believed that true impact of WorldSkills lies beyond the competitions, which is why it has advocated broader competitions-based training for all young people. To quantify this, the UK team, led by CEO Neil Bentley-Gockmann OBE, has been conducting its own research into the value that technically skilled young people have to UK industries and the economy.

He says, “Our national and international competitions are incredibly important to us, and to the young people and the educators that work so hard to participate. There is so much to celebrate within the competition arena. But we believe the real value of our work should be proven in the ways we elevate skills excellence for all young people. That is why we have carried out research to find out whether, by upskilling young people this way, we are also improving standards of skills education and contributing to a productive, competitive, more sustainable economy.”

Worldskills UK团队首先将注意力转移到量化经济利益上。他们想知道是否有可能计算英国投资的财务回报,以提高技能为世界一流的标准。2021年,UK WorldSkills委托Frontier Economics进行一项经济研究,并得出结论,从字面上看,对卓越技能的投资可以得到回报。该报告提供了令人兴奋的新证据,以表明技术熟练的年轻人正在为自己的时间,精力和热情带来更大的财务回报。他们发现自己对雇主更容易就业,更有价值 - 那些技术技能水平最高的人平均收入比小技术少的同行高14,000英镑。

UK WorldSkills UK通过基于竞争的培训,职业灵感活动或教育内容,在2018年至2020年之间,有超过200,000年的年轻人与他们的组织互动。这些年轻人在某种程度上是由于高级技术技能提供的改善的职业发展和赚取潜力而激发的。该研究还发现,这些年轻人还能够以技能和适合未来的信心来满足越来越艰难的就业市场。对于英国而言,鼓励更多的年轻人遵循这条路线可能意味着更有动力的员工队伍,技术技能差距和经济增长。

最多significantly, the study was able to prove there is a financial return on investment in WorldSkills UK for the UK taxpayer. The report concluded that this emerging skills economy could represent as much as a GBP 4.50 return on every GBP 1 of investment made by the Department for Education, through future earnings and industry growth.

尼尔(Neil)反映:“这些数据表明了英国世界大教运动的经济潜力。能够量化我们作为财务收益的工作有助于我们吸引更多的资助者和投资。它还激发了我们围绕一个卓越中心的更广泛计划的投资,该计划旨在帮助教师提高任何考虑发展技术或职业技能的年轻人的技能标准,而不仅仅是那些参与WorldSkills UK计划的年轻人。”

卓越的中心是其三年飞行员的第二个。它由UK WorldSkills管理和交付,并由NCFE资助。这是一项技能和知识转移计划,旨在通过帮助教育工作者嵌入基于竞赛的培训方法以及国际最佳实践和工具来提高技术和职业教育和培训(TVET)的标准。

尼尔explains, “The Centre of Excellence is our way of bringing together the best teaching and training practices from across the WorldSkills international network and applying these in the UK. It’s our aim to create a world class tier of teachers who are not only able to raise the standards of skills but improve the performance and achievements of all the young people they teach.”

这evaluation of the first year focused primarily on assessing WorldSkills UK’s Train the Trainer programme where five educators in 20 providers (100 in year one) learn new ways to develop TVET skills and knowledge in their learners. Each person then delivered this training to a further ten educators in their organization in each of the following three academic years, creating a cascade-effect.

这results from the evaluation suggest that the programme is engaging with a mix of providers - and so reaching educators from economically deprived areas or with a higher proportion of ethnic minority learners who might not traditionally have had access to WorldSkills activities. It also shows that educators believe the programme, the teaching and the advice from the international Skills Coaches was of very high quality and key to the success of the training.

And if the Centre of Excellence programme is really going to achieve its ambition of raising national standards for TVET then there needs to be a noticeable shift in training and assessment techniques and behaviours.



At a time of economic recovery, after the financial fallout from COVID and Brexit, our research and insights make clear that higher standards of skills and renewed investment in a skills economy is vital if we want to boost inward investment, create jobs, grow industries, and mobilise young people to be the future workforce we need.
- Neil Bentley-Gockmann OBE,Worldsskills UK首席执行官